Core Services

Winter Warmer Packs containing: sleeping bags, blankets, hooded sweatshirts, joggers, thermals, gloves, woolly hats, t-shirts, socks, underwear, hot water bottles, toiletries including deodorants and oral hygiene sets in a rucksack for the homeless.

Summer Essential Packs containing: hand sanitisers, wet wipes, polo shirts, tee shirts, socks, underwear, toiletries, PPE all in a drawstring bag for the homeless.

School Backpacks for school children from low income families containing stationery kits, calculators, mathematics sets, reusable water bottles, lunch bags, USB reading lights, activity books all in school backpacks.

Medical Screening launching in 2021, primary medical screening for the homeless and rough sleepers to include general medical treatment as well as dental and optics.